TotK Armor Upgrade Tracker


a Note on
Minor Spoilers
(safe to read)

Viewers: Do not send this site to streamers on their first play-through until they have at least discovered on their own that armors can be upgraded, where and how.

There are only two types of spoilers on this page:

  1. The names of armors are listed below, visibile if you scroll down or check the box to dismiss this spoiler warning.
  2. In game, you can only see the required materials for your current armor level. This web app shows you all materials for all levels of obtained armor.

Unless you check the "Obtained" checkbox for an armor, you will not see a picture of it, or any details about required materials, or even if it is upgradable or not.

To avoid spoiling the names, use the search to filter to just the armors you want to see and avoid scrolling down or expanding the "Categories" section.

Obtained {{ totalObtained }} / 132 - Author's note - Spoiler Warning

Author's Note

This is a fork of Jared Wilcurt's original BOTW Armor Upgrade Tracker. I personally don't know Javascript/Vue to the extent necessary to substantially modify the base code, but I have updated the data lists to account for the changes in TotK to the best of my ability.

In BotW, there was a 100-set limit on the number of sets you could possess at any one time. I'm not sure if this same limit exists in TotK, but it's something to keep an eye out for (especially since all of the formerly-amiibo-exclusive sets are acquireable in-game now). Maybe throw away the Tingle Set just in case :)



{{ categoryName }}

{{ armors[armorIndex].name }}

treasure chest icon From Amiibo From DLC